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295 (2023)
Lex localis – Journal of Local Self-Government is an international journal for the study of the politics, administration, and management of local affairs published four times a year (in January, April, July, and October). The journal publishes articles that contribute to the better understanding and practice of local self-government and that are of interest to scholars, policy analysts, policymakers, and practitioners.
- Innovations in local government administration and management.
- Comprised of recognized experts who guide the journal’s content and maintain academic standards.
- Regular intervals at which the journal releases new issues (e.g., monthly, quarterly).
Boštjan Brezovnik
Latest Articles
- Authors : Evi Maya Savira, Witra Apdhi Yohanitas, Robby Firman Syah, Arif Ramadhan, Imam Radianto Anwar Setia Putra, Suci Emilia Fitri, Novi Savarianti Fahrani, Asriani
- Authors : Nini Xu, Dingxiang Chen
- Authors : Qiuge Liu , Qiuge Liu , Qiuge Liu , Qiuge Liu
- Authors : Suradi , Koeswinarno , Fakhruddin M., Azwar Aswin, Metha Claudia Agatha Silitonga, Atik Rahmawati, Zakiyah
- Authors : Milica Milivoje Djordjevic, Dejan Spasić , Tadija Djukić
- Authors : HyungGun Park, Ji Min Park, Hyung Jun Park
- Authors : Zhihuan Huang, Kunyuan Liu, Kunyuan , Liu, , Dongshu Cheng, Dongshu , Cheng
- Authors : , Periša Simonović , , Snežana Svetozarević , Snezana pavle Knezevic, , , Stefan Milojević , Stefan Milojević , , , Nebojša Zdravković , Nebojša Zdravković
- Authors : Kateryna Kostiuchenko,
Journal Information
Electronic ISSN:
Abstracted and indexed in
- Web of Science
- Essential Science Indicators
- ERIH Plus
- Academic's OneFile (Gale)
- CSA PAIS International
- ProQuest
- Worldwide Political Science
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